Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Just sayin'

I'm almost certain that BP installed Baby Bano's blowout preventer. No wonder it doesn't work.


Casey said...

Ahh, diaper blowouts are the best. Remind me to tell you about the time I got shit splashed up my nose and in my eye...

Heather said...

Lol, apparently they are at fault for our baby's blow out preventer as well. Breast milk is best for babies...blah, blah, blah...not so great for those who clean up diaper malfunctions after baby has gone 3 or 4 days without pooping!! I'm on constant diaper watch these days, Hubby, however, is rarely around when explosions happen, so he Is not so watchful. Which is how he ended up dripping poop all down his leg, all over the floor in a poop trail, on our bed and somehow, on the side of the door the last time the baby had a pooptastrophe...and guess who got to clean it all up?!